Sunday, February 28, 2010
Hey,Back For More :). I will be posting for friday,P.S. I forgot about the date ._.
The first thing we did was to take out student handbook as Mr Chua told us about our topic for upcoming common test.
3)Merchant of Venice - Character traits( Antonio, Bassanio, Portia & Shylock)
- Qualities of mercy
- Friendship( Antonio & Bassanio)
4)Romeo and juliet(RJ)- Character traits( Romeo, Juliet, Lord Capulet & Tybalt).
Next,we were going through our homework which mr chua gave us last week.After going through half way,suddenly,mr chua remembered that we shouldn't be going through the worksheet,instead we should hand it up as it was an homework :(
Mr Chua,then gave us some questions about what did antonio scold shylock.
Mr Chua,Then gave us an article about Buddhist and Taoist leaders accepting pastor ron's apologies.He then asked us if,someone did insult our religion,what and how would we react.
Then,we were left with a few minutes,Mr Chua then gave us back our friendship card and told us to place it in the envelope which he gave it to us too.
Time for self reflections.
1)If someone insulted my religion,i wouldn't punish him,as insults are one's opinion,not facts.2)Is His Religion that good? that perfect? if it is,then by all means,go and insult,but if it isn't,he/she has no right(s) to insult one's religion.
No matter what or how people criticise or insult our religion,we must forgive them.Have mercy on them.
9:32 PM