Monday, March 22, 2010

Hey,Back for more :) ok... lets just fast forward the whole concept alright? ok, then lets get started!
As For Today, Ms Maly Came In First, then Mr Chua. We Then Greeted Both Of Them As Teachers. After Greeting, Mr Chua Gave Back To Us Our Common Test first, i was already predicting that i would fail,as for the whole lot year of my past year,which is secondary 1, I've always been FAILING!!....I Just couldn't Help it...literature just doesn't catch my doesn't amuse me.....But, till sec 2 now, i found that literature is quite easy..just that i thought it was hard. Mr Chua Was a very enthusiastic teacher, unlike Mdm Anisah.. no offense,but she couldn't control the class..last year was a nightmare for don't wanna know..
Ok so i was being a little off topic, so...Mr Chua! you HELPED me PASS my LITERATURE PAPER! OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!! OH MY GOD!!!
Mr Chua, you're a genius! Man...even my parents don't believe me.....well,i am so happy :)..ok enough of the paper thingy, lets get back on track. So, After giving us the paper, Mr Chua then showed us our common test mark(percentage) and also the learning log marks. I didn't see much, as the words are too small...okokok, i know i am finding excuses! ok..i admit i have MYOPIA! OMG OMG OMG OMG OH MY GOD!! after showing us the marks, mr chua then left. Ms Maly, Then took over. She asked us to pushed our tables and chair to both sides, then gather in the middle. She then told us to close our eyes, and imagine ask walking, imagine how did we walk, our style..was it a sexy one? ._. after the close eye section, she told us to walk around, but not to touch anyone. NO BODY CONTACT! *touches shaowen* *opps i broke the rule?* omg?
We Then Form a Big Circle, and ms maly told us that this was our acting spot...this is terrible..i suck in acting..oh me please... after that we rearranged our tables and chairs back and greeted Ms Maly off. :)
P.S i know this doesn't concern you but, I PASSED MY LITERATURE TEST!! OMG OMG OMG OMG *Amen*
9:18 PM